Nous avons des concerts de vacances de meilleure qualité grâce à ChoirMate
Réflexions d'un choriste
We began using ChoirMate one year ago. Until then, we had an extensive paper and printing operation for our sheet music, rehearsal files in Dropbox and several Facebook groups and confusing chat threads. It might sound like a cliché, but it's hard to remember what our everyday choir life was like before ChoirMate. Summed up, I feel our choir has improved after we started using this platform where everything is gathered in one place. I believe our last holiday concert was the best we've ever done, and I think it's due to the way everything is now neatly organized in the app, making all materials easily accessible.
La fonction de fichiers de répétition est une mine d'or

All the songs in our repertoire are organized by concert or semester. Underneath each song there's the option to add rehearsal files, sheet music, links and remarks. The rehearsal files are uploaded by an administrator, but we've also allocated this role to some singers so they can add recordings from our rehearsals. The rehearsal files feature is a goldmine for us singers. You can make recordings directly in the app and share these within the voice group they belong to. And so the one second alto that was out sick and couldn't make it to rehearsal when we were practicing that difficult fifth beneath the soprano voice, is saved! To be able to walk the streets during a dark and rainy week in november listening to Pentatonix´s eternal da-da-dam playing in my ears, helps a lot before the monday rehearsal.
Communication within the choir is also easier with ChoirMate. It's easier for the board and our conductor to relay important information and you have all documents you might need all in one place. I'm sure this makes life easier for the choir management and it sure helps us singers access important information more easily. It's lovely having everything easily accessible in one place and not having to sift through four different Facebook groups and Dropbox to find what I need when I need it.
It's nice to see names and pictures of all choir members
There's a couple more easter eggs in ChoirMate. If you shake your phone a piano appears and all choir members get fun nicknames with references to different artists when they register. In addition, for those of us who are terrible at remembering names, it is incredibly practical to be able to access lists with the names of all members.

All in all I feel our choir has improved after we started using ChoirMate. Access to rehearsal files, sheet music and information makes everything flow more easily. There's less friction in our every day choir life which leaves more room for the music!